Autism and Cerebral Palsy – Treatment and Education

A school for children suffering from
Autism and Cerebral Palsy

  • Autism and Cerebral Palsy are deadly diseases spreading over and affecting the children their life and their parents.
  • Manthan has set up a new wing for such children under the supervision and guidance of well-experienced doctors and by employing trained teacher and physiotherapist as also creating a new building equipped with ultra-modern educational material.
  • Seminars are organized to educate the parents of such children.

On 03/03/2018, A school for children suffering from Autism and Cerebral Palsy was inaugurated at Manthan that added a big feather (Mayur Pankh) in the cap of this arranges workshops aiming at ameliorating the conditions of such children. This school is designed to take care of children suffering from AUTISM and CEREBRAL PALSY. These are new diseases so far not known to the general public and even the medical field did not pay much attention. Slowly these diseases are spreading worldwide and deserves attention, particularly in remote villages.

Detailed description ofAutism and Cerebral Palsy can be found in Medical generals and even on Google.

Every muscle of our body is controlled by the BRAIN. In cerebral palsy the brain gets damaged for one reason or another right at birth; SUCH CHILD LOSES HIS/HER MOTOR CONTROL. In the majority of the cases, not one but many functions/Physical activities of the child gets affected. There are about eight types/classes of the disease of which RETARDNESS OF CHILD’S BRAIN and ATTENTION DEFICIENCY are main. In the second case, CEREBRAL PALSY child is not able to concentrate and jumps from one activity to another. e.g. If he is writing and sees some colorful object; he will drop writing and run after the object and then if someone is singing; he will drop chasing the colorful object and start singing or dancing. Thus all his/her activities are affected because of non-coordination of sensory organs.

In the case of AUTISM, the brain similarly gets damaged but the damage remains localized and the physical development and other life supporting aspects remain more or less functionary.

Such children suffering from these diseases are required to cultivate attention and for that, they are asked to play such games which require coordination of hands/eyes/legs, which are sense integrated.

The following TWO Pictures summerise the diseases and their treatment in  short

The school at Manthan has been set up keeping these aspects in view. Children are provided opportunities to develop sensory integration through physio- occupational therapy, exercises such as active and passive stretching; gait and mobility training; staircase climbing; use of sensory coordination aids; audiovisual simulations; yoga; speech therapy etc. which are prescribed at International level.

Another aspect of the training is the treatment and care given to such children at HOME by parents and siblings.

Manthan arranges workshops and seminars for the parents of those children who enroll at Manthan school to educate them and provide guidance as to how the child should be taken care at home.